Naud 15

501 kr

  • Ursprung: Panama
  • Råvara: Melass
  • Lagringstid: 15 år
  • Färg: Mahogny
  • Typ: Avec
  • Alkoholhalt: 41,3%

Betyg: För litet prov

Kategori: Etikett:


Som prov nummer 7 i 24 Rums 2018 kom en rom från Panama – som var helt okänd för oss. Avsmakningsprovet kom ju i en liten flaska, men annars ser Naud 15 ut att komma i en riktigt häftig flaska. Till det yttre har den en mycket kraftig mahogny-färg, nästan röd.

Aromen var väldigt snäll, och det tar lång tid för den att sprida lite lätta vaniljtoner. Smaken är sen kryddig, med överraskande lite sötma. (Vi hade förväntat oss en rom med ordentligt med tillsatt socker.) Naud 15 har en strikt smak – som känns – i brist på ett bättre ord – lite “old school”.


Information från producenten:

Over the last century, five generations of bold and passionate entrepreneurs have crafted spirits in the ancient family distillery, founded by Emile Perrier the famous fruit-liquor maker. The last ones in line are even somewhat rebellious. In the nineteen-eighties Jean-Michel Naud, a trained oenologist and passionate explorer of wines and spirits, the son-in-law of Robert Perrier, rediscovered the distillery. Today, with his son, Pierre, they have decided to reignite the flames under the copper pot stills to create distinguished Cognacs, which can be proud of their origins. They are also offering a range of unconventional spirits for the region, aimed at connoisseurs.

The Naud Family invites you to share their passion for the Art of Distillation by revealing these treasures which have been kept secret for so long.

This Extra Old Rum is the result of the association of Panamanian and Charentais Master Distillers, united by Pierre Naud, around their shared passion for the Art of Distillation. Grown on the Peninsula de Azuero (Arco Seco), the sugarcane matures in ideal tropical climatic conditions. Historically cultivated for the sugar industry, they also produce the syrup and cane juice (guarapo) which boasts perfect organoleptic characteristics for the elaboration of a RON of Great Origin. The molasses, once fermented by the action of carefully selected yeast, is distilled in the traditional fashion. The exceptional quality RON traditional, which trickles out of the copper columns of 20 trays, is lavish and fruity. After a long aging in American oak casks in its homeland, following the Solera method, this RON PANAMÁ traveled across the Atlantic to come and perfect its finesse in the Charente region, inside our cool cognac cellars.

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